MBTI can design
Limited edition beverage can design. The cans have been designed so that each of them best reflects the aura of one of the sixteen personality types according to the MBTI theory. A given drink's taste also corresponds to the general impression that a particular personality type evokes.
Personality types have been divided into four groups. The selection criterion was the extroverted cognitive function (dominant or auxiliary) – this is what these types mainly use in contact with the outside world, which makes them seem to be somewhat similar to each other. In this way, the following groups were created: SP – Se (extraverted sensing), FJ – Fe (extraverted feeling), TJ – Te (extraverted thinking), Ne – (extraverted intuition).
The flagship color of the SP types is lavender, the FJ types are beige, the TJ types are light green and the NP types are blue. All together they form the entire visible spectrum with a pastel shade, which is intended to indicate that all personality types are equal and equally needed in society. The absence of any of them will upset the balance.

SP types
SP types are creative and go-getting, focused on the world of the senses. With ruthless and courageous ESTPs it is impossible to get bored, reticent and composed ISTPs can keep a cool head even in stressful situations, creative ISFPs always go their own way and bold ESFPs become the soul of every company they find themselves in. As        a rule, they are characterized by great awareness of their own body and appearance, unobtrusive personal charm and freedom, which is why they have extensive interests related to physical activity and a great sense of aesthetics. They are no strangers to the desire to explore the world and the need for adrenaline.
Pastel colors – lavender purples, pale blues and bright roses in cool tones seem to perfectly reflect their crisp, bringing a lot of liveliness character. Sour as lemonade, bitter as tonic, crisp as lavender, spicy as champagne with sparkling bubbles of SP's stimulate to action. Wood painted with white paint, bunches of lavender, a breath of fresh air – sea breeze or a clear winter morning, shallow waters and white sand, iridescent pink clouds during sunrise reflecting in the sea, snow sparkling in the pink sunrise like glitter – it all reminds me of SP types.

Element: wind
NP types
NP types are imaginative and creative, always open to new experiences. Just like water, they are able to take the shape of the vessel in which it is placed, the malleable minds of these types are able to adapt to any situation. Visionary and talkative ENTPs are innovative and spontaneous, taciturn INTPs surprise with their witty humor and unconventional approach to life, imaginative and intense like the dark ocean waters with various species of animals INFPs impress with their courage and playful and enthusiastic ENFPs combine extensive skills with fun.

Deep blues, cyan and white – these are the colors that correspond to the intuitive, spontaneous nature of these types. The cloudless sky and the endless blue of the ocean below, the harsh summer sun, lagoons and atolls, sandy beaches, watery jellyfish, underwater life on coral reefs – these are what I associate with NP types.

Element: water
TJ types
TJ types are disciplined and rational, favoring logic and reason above all else. Ambitious ENTJs make great leaders, analytical and ingenious INTJs can improve everything they meet, focused on details and honorable ISTJs excel in activities that require meticulousness and patience and efficient ESTJs can solve any pragmatic or scientific problem. Although they do not always arouse sympathy among other types, they are the main guardians of order – without them the world would plunge into chaos.

Dark, cold colors are heavy and refreshing at the same time. While cool as the crackling polar frost, the TJ types can also be as beautiful as the Northern Lights. The starry night sky and snow-capped mountain peaks beneath it, snow caps on the trees, foggy forests, vegetation covered with drops of water with its characteristic smell right after the rain, the polar night – this is something that reminds me of TJ types.

Element: earth
FJ types
FJ types are warm, emotional and focused on the well-being of other people. Widely liked ESFJs are extremely generous and caring, quiet ISFJs impress with the constancy of their feelings, distinguished INFJs dazzle with mystery, elegant ENFJs  can boast of great eloquence. They are perfect for professions that require contact with people or charity activities.
The beige-brown-copper aesthetic seems to be a good representation of the warmth emanating from these personalities. Creamy, vanilla, coffee with milk, rusty, red, caramel, biscuit, cherry or chocolate tones are warm and safe. Clay pots, hot sand, fields of wheat blown by the warm wind under a sky covered with storm clouds, the feel of warm rain on the skin, tree bark covered with rusty lichen, rocky ground, dried palm leaves and woven baskets, cozy towns in hot countries with narrow streets and whitewashed walls of houses – all this reminds me of these types.

Element: fire
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