Signs, 01.2022

The work consists of sixteen objects called Signs. Each Sign is a transcription of one personality type into a code of loops and grips*, defined by an ideographic alphabet created especially for this artwork.
*Note that those loops and grips refer
to the physical form of an artwork,
not to the MBTI theory's rules.
ENFJ The Dancing Octopus
The loops represent the F–T pair, the grips represent the N–S pair. The more grips, the more intuitive the type is, and the more loops, the more sensing it is.
INFJ The Galloping Cirinna

Panta rhei – words meaning everything flows – is attributed to the Greek philosopher Heraclitus of Ephesus. He was also the author of the thought:
You can't step into the same river twice.
INTJ The Kicking Cassowary

However, this saying does not mean that something should not be done,
but that it cannot be done.

ENTJ The Rushing Lovers
The river is constantly changing – every time we enter it, the water is different.
ISFJ The Romping Bell
We can try to create the same conditions for repeating something,
but the mere fact that time has passed and circumstances have changed will make
the result different from the previous one.
ESFJ The Creeping Butterfly
Heraclitus claimed that the nature of the world and matter is constant change.
ESTJ The Jumping Players
In his psychodynamic theory of personality, Carl Gustav Jung presented the human psyche as a partially closed energy system, the existence of which determines
the flow of energy between its elements.
ISTJ The Meditating Monk
Partially closed because it needs to supply energy from the outside (e.g. in the form
of food) or gives it away (e.g. by doing physical work).
ISFP The Dancing Fairy
Personality is doomed to undergo modifications,
it changes and evolves during a person's life.
ESFP The Crowding Swans
Interactivity manifested in the possibility of touching the objects and thus also changing the way their elements are arranged is an important element of the work.
ESTP The Fighting Wrestlers
Each time energy from the outside is supplied to the system of Signs (in the form of touching/lifting/transferring from place to place), their form is irrevocably changed...
ISTP The Walking Crowd
...just like the human personality changes over the course of a person's life,
and the constant flow of mental energy is sometimes changed. addicted to external factors (Jung's psychodynamic theory of personality).
INTP The Raging Lightnings
Paradoxically, the only static form in the world of Signs is their photographic documentation.
ENTP The Flipping Echinoderm
Stylized after the poetic names of the Signs (e.g. The Dancing Fairy, The Crowding Swans) attempt to metaphorically capture the aura of a given personality type.
ENFP The Quivering Cello
They also refer to Jungian archetypes.
INFP The Waving Ctenophora
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